base.c | |
cmfl.c | Implementation of the conversion form/into different matrices formats |
cmfl.h | |
crfl.c | Implementation of the Compressed Row Storage (CRS) format for sparse matrices |
crfl.h | |
disl.c | Interface to direct solvers form lapack and UMFPACK |
disl.h | |
itsl.c | Implementation of the iterative solvers like gmres, minres |
itsl.h | |
meml.c | Implementation of the Meta Matrix Library, |
meml.h | |
sdml.c | Implementation of a lapack compatible dense matrix format |
sdml.h | |
ssml.c | Implementation of the linked list based sparse matrix format, |
ssml.h | |
vecl.c | Implementation of a lapack compatible dense vector format |
vecl.h | |