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meml.h File Reference

#include <math.h>
#include "sdml.h"
#include "ssml.h"
#include "crfl.h"
#include "cmfl.h"


#define MEML_TRUE   1
#define MEML_FALSE   0


enum  M_TYPE { ND, BD, LS, CS }


INLINE VECTORmeml_vector_new (const MEML_INT lenght)
VECTORmeml_vector_new_eye (const MEML_INT dim, const MEML_INT position)
VECTORmeml_vector_new_zeros (const MEML_INT dim)
VECTORmeml_vector_new_ones (const MEML_INT dim)
 v:= [1, 1, ... ,1]'
VECTORmeml_vector_new_diag (const ME_MATRIX *M)
INLINE void meml_vector_free (VECTOR *v)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_new (const M_TYPE type, const MEML_INT row, const MEML_INT col)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_new_diag (const M_TYPE type, const VECTOR *v)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_new_eye (const M_TYPE type, const MEML_INT row, const MEML_INT col)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_new_zeros (const M_TYPE type, const MEML_INT row, const MEML_INT col)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_new_ones (const M_TYPE type, const MEML_INT row, const MEML_INT col)
ME_MATRIXmeml_sparse (const INDEXARRAY *rows, const INDEXARRAY *cols, const VECTOR *values)
 creates a new sparse matrix
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_new_form_carray (const M_TYPE type, const MEML_INT row, const MEML_INT col, const MEML_FLOAT data[])
 The function creates a new matrix based on a C-array.
void meml_matrix_free (ME_MATRIX *A)
INDEXARRAYmeml_indexarray_new (const MEML_INT dim)
INDEXARRAYmeml_indexarray_copy (const INDEXARRAY *index)
INLINE void meml_indexarray_free (INDEXARRAY *indexarray)
void meml_matrix_ceil (ME_MATRIX *M)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_convert (const M_TYPE type, const ME_MATRIX *A)
 B := A.
void meml_matrix_erase (ME_MATRIX *M, const MEML_FLOAT border)
MEML_FLOAT meml_matrix_element_get (const ME_MATRIX *A, const MEML_INT x, const MEML_INT y)
 alpha := A(x,y)
MEML_FLOAT meml_matrix_element_get_f (const ME_MATRIX *A, const MEML_INT x, const MEML_INT y)
void meml_matrix_element_set (ME_MATRIX *A, const MEML_INT x, const MEML_INT y, MEML_FLOAT value)
 A(x,y) := value.
void meml_matrix_element_set_f (ME_MATRIX *A, const MEML_INT x, const MEML_INT y, const MEML_FLOAT value)
void meml_matrix_element_add (ME_MATRIX *A, const MEML_INT x, const MEML_INT y, const MEML_FLOAT value)
 A(x,y) := A(x,y) + value.
void meml_matrix_element_add_f (ME_MATRIX *A, const MEML_INT x, const MEML_INT y, const MEML_FLOAT value)
 A(x,y) := A(x,y) + value.
void meml_matrix_element_mul (ME_MATRIX *A, const MEML_INT x, const MEML_INT y, const MEML_FLOAT alpha)
 A(x,y) := A(x,y) * alpha.
void meml_matrix_element_mul_f (ME_MATRIX *A, MEML_INT x, MEML_INT y, MEML_FLOAT alpha)
 A(x,y) := A(x,y) * alpha.
void meml_matrix_set_row_2_unit_vector (ME_MATRIX *M, const MEML_INT row)
void meml_matrix_set_col_2_unit_vector (ME_MATRIX *M, const MEML_INT col)
VECTORmeml_matrix_row_get (const ME_MATRIX *M, const MEML_INT row)
 $ v := M(row , :) $
void meml_matrix_row_get_f (const ME_MATRIX *M, VECTOR *v, const MEML_INT row)
 $ v := M(row , :) $
VECTORmeml_matrix_col_get (const ME_MATRIX *M, const MEML_INT col)
 $ v := M(: , col) $
void meml_matrix_col_get_f (const ME_MATRIX *M, VECTOR *v, const MEML_INT col)
 $ v := M(: , col) $
void meml_matrix_resize (ME_MATRIX **M, MEML_INT row, MEML_INT col)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_copy (const ME_MATRIX *A)
int meml_matrix_part_copy_f (const ME_MATRIX *M, const MEML_INT xm1, const MEML_INT ym1, const MEML_INT xm2, const MEML_INT ym2, ME_MATRIX *D, const MEML_INT xd1, const MEML_INT yd1)
 $ D(xd1 : xd1+(xm2-xm1),yd1 : yd1+(ym2-ym1) ) := M(xm1:xm2 , ym1:ym2) $
int meml_matrix_col_set (ME_MATRIX *M, const VECTOR *v, const MEML_INT col)
 $ M(:,col) := v $
int meml_matrix_row_set (ME_MATRIX *M, const VECTOR *v, const MEML_INT row)
 $ M(row,;) := v $
void meml_matrix_clear (ME_MATRIX *M)
 $ M :=0 $
VECTORmeml_vector_scaling (const MEML_FLOAT alpha, const VECTOR *x)
 $ y := \alpha x $
void meml_vector_clear (VECTOR *x)
 $ x :=0 $
INDEXARRAYmeml_vector_part_sort (VECTOR *v, MEML_INT from, MEML_INT till)
 sorts a part of the vector v; v[from:till] ; ascending
INDEXARRAYmeml_vector_sort (VECTOR *v)
 sorts a vector v ascending
int meml_indexarray_element_set (INDEXARRAY *indexarray, const MEML_INT x, const MEML_INT value)
 indexarray[x] := value
MEML_INT meml_indexarray_element_max (const INDEXARRAY *indexarray)
INDEXARRAYmeml_indexarray_part_sort (INDEXARRAY *a, MEML_INT from, MEML_INT till)
 sorts a part of the indexarray a; a[from:till] ; ascending
void meml_vector_abs_f (VECTOR *a)
 $ a := abs( a ) $
VECTORmeml_vector_abs (const VECTOR *a)
 $ b := abs( a ) $
MEML_FLOAT meml_vector_element_max (const VECTOR *a)
 $ \alpha := \max a $
MEML_FLOAT meml_vector_element_max_f (const VECTOR *a, MEML_INT *which)
 $ \alpha := \max a := a[which] $
VECTORmeml_vector_min (const VECTOR *x, const VECTOR *y)
 $ z := x - y$
void meml_vector_min_f (const VECTOR *x, VECTOR *y)
 $ y := - x + y = y - x$
VECTORmeml_vector_multiadd (const MEML_FLOAT *alpha, const VECTOR **x, MEML_INT n)
 $ y := \sum_{i=0}^{n-1} \alpha_i x_i $
VECTORmeml_vector_add (const VECTOR *x, const VECTOR *y)
 $ y := x + y$
MEML_FLOAT meml_vector_norm (const VECTOR *x)
 $ \alpha := \|x\|_{2} $
MEML_FLOAT meml_vector_norm_max (const VECTOR *x)
 $ \alpha := \|x\|_{max} $
int meml_vector_equal (const VECTOR *x, const VECTOR *y)
 returns 1 if x=y and 0 if x $ \not= $ y
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_scaling (const MEML_FLOAT alpha, const ME_MATRIX *M)
 $ B := alpha * A $
void meml_matrix_scaling_f (const MEML_FLOAT alpha, ME_MATRIX *M)
 $ A := alpha * A $
MEML_FLOAT meml_matrix_norm (const ME_MATRIX *M)
 $ \alpha := \|A\|_2 $
MEML_FLOAT meml_matrix_norm_inf (const ME_MATRIX *M)
 $ \alpha := \|A\|_{inf} $
MEML_FLOAT meml_matrix_norm_1 (const ME_MATRIX *M)
 $ \alpha := \|A\|_{1} $
MEML_FLOAT meml_matrix_norm_frobenius (const ME_MATRIX *M)
 $ \alpha := \|A\|_{fro} = \sqrt{\sum_{i=1}^m \sum_{j=1}^m a_{ij}^2}$
void meml_matrix_rank_one_update_f (const MEML_FLOAT alpha, const VECTOR *x, const VECTOR *y, ME_MATRIX *M)
 $ A := \alpha xy^T + A $
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_rank_one_update (const MEML_FLOAT alpha, const VECTOR *x, const VECTOR *y, const ME_MATRIX *M)
 $ B := \alpha xy^T + A $
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_mul (const ME_MATRIX *A, const ME_MATRIX *B)
 $ C := A * B $
void meml_matrix_mul_f (const ME_MATRIX *A, const ME_MATRIX *B, ME_MATRIX **C)
 $ C := A * B $
void meml_matrix_mul_ff (const MEML_FLOAT alpha, const ME_MATRIX *A, const ME_MATRIX *B, const MEML_FLOAT beta, ME_MATRIX **C)
 $ C := alpha A * B + beta C $
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_add (const ME_MATRIX *A, const ME_MATRIX *B)
 $ C := A + B $
void meml_matrix_add_f (const ME_MATRIX *A, ME_MATRIX *B)
 $ B := A + B $
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_trans (ME_MATRIX *M)
 A : = M'.
void meml_matrix_trans_f (ME_MATRIX **M)
 M : = M'.
int meml_matrix_qr (const ME_MATRIX *M, ME_MATRIX **Q, ME_MATRIX **R)
 QR = M.
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_eig_f (const ME_MATRIX *M, VECTOR *wr, VECTOR *wi)
void meml_matrix_eig (const ME_MATRIX *M, VECTOR *wr, VECTOR *wi)
VECTORmeml_matrix_svd (const ME_MATRIX *A)
int meml_matrix_svd_f (const ME_MATRIX *A, VECTOR *s)
MEML_INT meml_matrix_rank (const ME_MATRIX *M)
 rank of a matrix
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_lu (const ME_MATRIX *M, ME_MATRIX *L, ME_MATRIX *U)
 M = P * L * U.
int meml_matrix_equal (const ME_MATRIX *A, const ME_MATRIX *B)
 returns 1 if A=B and 0 if A $ \not= $ B
void meml_matrix_vector_mul_ff (const ME_MATRIX *M, VECTOR *y)
 $ y := M*y $
void meml_matrix_vector_mul_f (const ME_MATRIX *matrix, const VECTOR *vector, VECTOR *result)
 result := matrix*vector
VECTORmeml_matrix_vector_mul (const ME_MATRIX *matrix, const VECTOR *vector)
 result := matrix * vector
void meml_matrix_t_vector_mul_f (const ME_MATRIX *matrix, const VECTOR *vector, VECTOR *result)
VECTORmeml_matrix_t_vector_mul (const ME_MATRIX *matrix, const VECTOR *vector)
void meml_matrix_print (const ME_MATRIX *M)
void meml_vector_print (const VECTOR *x)
int meml_vector_export2dat (const char dateiname[], const int number_of_vectors,...)
int meml_vector_import_from_dat (const char filename[], const int number_of_vectors,...)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_import_from_dat (const M_TYPE type, const MEML_INT row, const MEML_INT col, const char filename[])
void meml_init (MEML_FLOAT eps, char plot, char verbose)
void meml_matrix_property_get (const ME_MATRIX *A, MEML_INT *row, MEML_INT *col, M_TYPE *type)
void meml_int_qsort (MEML_INT *a, MEML_INT *wohin, MEML_INT l, MEML_INT r)
void meml_float_qsort (MEML_FLOAT *a, MEML_INT *wohin, MEML_INT l, MEML_INT r)
void meml_indexarray_print (const INDEXARRAY *a)
INLINE MEML_FLOAT meml_vector_element_get (const VECTOR *x, const MEML_INT i)
 alpha := x[i]
INLINE MEML_FLOAT meml_vector_element_get_f (const VECTOR *x, const MEML_INT i)
 alpha := x[i]
INLINE int meml_vector_element_set (VECTOR *x, const MEML_INT i, const MEML_FLOAT value)
 x[i] := value
INLINE void meml_vector_element_set_f (VECTOR *x, const MEML_INT i, const MEML_FLOAT value)
 x[i] := value
INLINE int meml_vector_element_add (VECTOR *x, const MEML_INT i, const MEML_FLOAT value)
 x[i] := x[i] + value
INLINE void meml_vector_element_add_f (VECTOR *x, const MEML_INT i, const MEML_FLOAT value)
 x[i] := x[i] + value
INLINE INDEXARRAYmeml_indexarray_sort (INDEXARRAY *a)
 sorts an indexarray a ascending
INLINE void meml_indexarray_element_set_f (INDEXARRAY *indexarray, const MEML_INT x, const MEML_INT value)
 indexarray[x] := value
INLINE MEML_INT meml_indexarray_element_get_f (const INDEXARRAY *indexarray, const MEML_INT x)
 return : = indexarray[x]
INLINE MEML_INT meml_indexarray_element_get (const INDEXARRAY *indexarray, const MEML_INT x)
 return : = indexarray[x]
INLINE MEML_INT meml_element_of_indexarray (const INDEXARRAY *indexarray, MEML_INT a)
 returns MEML_TRUE if a is an element of the indexarray and MEML_FALSE if it is not.
INLINE MEML_FLOAT meml_vector_scalarproduct (const VECTOR *a, const VECTOR *b)
 $ \alpha := a \cdot b $
INLINE MEML_FLOAT meml_vector_scalarproduct_f (const VECTOR *a, const VECTOR *b)
 $ \alpha := a \cdot b $
INLINE void meml_vector_copy_f (const VECTOR *x, VECTOR *y)
 $ y := x $
INLINE VECTORmeml_vector_copy (const VECTOR *x)
 $ y := x $
INLINE void meml_vector_scaling_f (const MEML_FLOAT alpha, VECTOR *x)
 $ x := \alpha x $
INLINE void meml_vector_add_ff (const MEML_FLOAT alpha, const VECTOR *x, VECTOR *y)
 $ y := \alpha x + y$
INLINE void meml_vector_add_f (const VECTOR *x, VECTOR *y)
 $ y := x + y $
INLINE MEML_FLOAT meml_matrix_norm_2 (const ME_MATRIX *M)
 $ \alpha := \|A\|_2 $
INLINE int meml_vector_export2csv (const VECTOR *x, const char dateiname[])
INLINE MEML_FLOAT meml_max (const MEML_FLOAT a, const MEML_FLOAT b)
INLINE MEML_FLOAT meml_min (const MEML_FLOAT a, const MEML_FLOAT b)
INLINE int meml_equal (const MEML_FLOAT a, const MEML_FLOAT b)


double MEML_EPS

Define Documentation

#define MEML_FALSE   0

#define MEML_TRUE   1

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum M_TYPE

Enumeration values:

Function Documentation

INLINE MEML_INT meml_element_of_indexarray const INDEXARRAY indexarray,

returns MEML_TRUE if a is an element of the indexarray and MEML_FALSE if it is not.

INLINE int meml_equal const MEML_FLOAT  a,
const MEML_FLOAT  b

a = b <=> |a-b| < MEML_EPS

INLINE MEML_INT meml_indexarray_element_get const INDEXARRAY indexarray,
const MEML_INT  x

return : = indexarray[x]

INLINE MEML_INT meml_indexarray_element_get_f const INDEXARRAY indexarray,
const MEML_INT  x

return : = indexarray[x]

INLINE void meml_indexarray_element_set_f INDEXARRAY indexarray,
const MEML_INT  x,
const MEML_INT  value

indexarray[x] := value

INLINE INDEXARRAY* meml_indexarray_sort INDEXARRAY a  ) 

sorts an indexarray a ascending

The INDEXARRAY which the function returns shows where the single element has been moved.

e.g. a = [ 4 2 1 3]

after calling meml_indexarray_sort it will look like this:

a = [1 2 3 4] ; INDEXARRAY = [ 3 1 0 2]

so you see, a[0] has been moved to a[3] etc.

INLINE MEML_FLOAT meml_matrix_norm_2 const ME_MATRIX M  ) 

$ \alpha := \|A\|_2 $

const MEML_FLOAT  b

c : = max(a,b)

const MEML_FLOAT  b

c : = min(a,b)

INLINE void meml_vector_add_f const VECTOR x,

$ y := x + y $

INLINE void meml_vector_add_ff const MEML_FLOAT  alpha,
const VECTOR x,

$ y := \alpha x + y$

INLINE VECTOR* meml_vector_copy const VECTOR x  ) 

$ y := x $

INLINE void meml_vector_copy_f const VECTOR x,

$ y := x $

INLINE int meml_vector_export2csv const VECTOR x,
const char  dateiname[]

saves the vector x in a csv-file

INLINE MEML_FLOAT meml_vector_scalarproduct const VECTOR a,
const VECTOR b

$ \alpha := a \cdot b $

INLINE MEML_FLOAT meml_vector_scalarproduct_f const VECTOR a,
const VECTOR b

$ \alpha := a \cdot b $

INLINE void meml_vector_scaling_f const MEML_FLOAT  alpha,

$ x := \alpha x $

Variable Documentation

double MEML_EPS



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