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Functions to creating and free a new matrix, vector or indexarray.


INLINE VECTORmeml_vector_new (const MEML_INT lenght)
VECTORmeml_vector_new_eye (const MEML_INT dim, const MEML_INT position)
VECTORmeml_vector_new_zeros (const MEML_INT dim)
VECTORmeml_vector_new_ones (const MEML_INT dim)
 v:= [1, 1, ... ,1]'
VECTORmeml_vector_new_diag (const ME_MATRIX *M)
INLINE void meml_vector_free (VECTOR *v)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_new (const M_TYPE type, const MEML_INT row, const MEML_INT col)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_new_diag (const M_TYPE type, const VECTOR *v)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_new_eye (const M_TYPE type, const MEML_INT row, const MEML_INT col)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_new_zeros (const M_TYPE type, const MEML_INT row, const MEML_INT col)
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_new_ones (const M_TYPE type, const MEML_INT row, const MEML_INT col)
ME_MATRIXmeml_sparse (const INDEXARRAY *rows, const INDEXARRAY *cols, const VECTOR *values)
 creates a new sparse matrix
ME_MATRIXmeml_matrix_new_form_carray (const M_TYPE type, const MEML_INT row, const MEML_INT col, const MEML_FLOAT data[])
 The function creates a new matrix based on a C-array.
void meml_matrix_free (ME_MATRIX *A)
INDEXARRAYmeml_indexarray_new (const MEML_INT dim)
INDEXARRAYmeml_indexarray_copy (const INDEXARRAY *index)
INLINE void meml_indexarray_free (INDEXARRAY *indexarray)

Function Documentation

INDEXARRAY* meml_indexarray_copy const INDEXARRAY index  ) 

INLINE void meml_indexarray_free INDEXARRAY indexarray  ) 

The the memory of indexarray will be freed

INDEXARRAY* meml_indexarray_new const MEML_INT  dim  ) 

A new indesarray is created

void meml_matrix_free ME_MATRIX M  ) 

The memory of M will be freed

ME_MATRIX* meml_matrix_new const M_TYPE  type,
const MEML_INT  row,
const MEML_INT  col

creates a new matrix of the dimension col*row

ME_MATRIX* meml_matrix_new_diag const M_TYPE  type,
const VECTOR v

$ diag(M) := v $

ME_MATRIX* meml_matrix_new_eye const M_TYPE  type,
const MEML_INT  row,
const MEML_INT  col

ME_MATRIX* meml_matrix_new_form_carray const M_TYPE  type,
const MEML_INT  row,
const MEML_INT  col,
const MEML_FLOAT  data[]

The function creates a new matrix based on a C-array.

ME_MATRIX* meml_matrix_new_ones const M_TYPE  type,
const MEML_INT  row,
const MEML_INT  col

A new matrix filles with ones is created

ME_MATRIX* meml_matrix_new_zeros const M_TYPE  type,
const MEML_INT  row,
const MEML_INT  col

creates a matrix filled with zeros

Does the same as the funktion meml_matrix_new

ME_MATRIX* meml_sparse const INDEXARRAY rows,
const INDEXARRAY cols,
const VECTOR values

creates a new sparse matrix

die funktion muss fuer cr optimiert werden.

INLINE void meml_vector_free VECTOR v  ) 

The memomry of v will be freed

INLINE VECTOR* meml_vector_new const MEML_INT  lenght  ) 

creates a new VECTOR with the dimension 'length'

VECTOR* meml_vector_new_diag const ME_MATRIX M  ) 

$ diag(M) := v $

VECTOR* meml_vector_new_eye const MEML_INT  dim,
const MEML_INT  i

The a unit vector of the dimension dim with v[i]=1 is created

VECTOR* meml_vector_new_ones const MEML_INT  dim  ) 

v:= [1, 1, ... ,1]'

VECTOR* meml_vector_new_zeros const MEML_INT  dim  ) 

The same as meml_vector_new

Generated on Tue Mar 28 14:10:38 2006 by  doxygen 1.4.1