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- Global disl_solve_upper_right_f (const ME_MATRIX *R, const VECTOR *b, VECTOR *x)
- 'quick and dirty' . Not optimized for the different matrix types.
- Global meml_sparse (const INDEXARRAY *rows, const INDEXARRAY *cols, const VECTOR *values)
- die funktion muss fuer cr optimiert werden.
- Global meml_matrix_ceil (ME_MATRIX *M)
- 'quick and dirty' . Not optimized for the different matrix
- Global meml_matrix_clear (ME_MATRIX *M)
- 'quick and dirty' . Not optimized for the different matrix types.
- Global meml_matrix_element_get_f (const ME_MATRIX *A, const MEML_INT x, const MEML_INT y)
- 'quick and dirty' . Just a wapper over the normal version
- Global meml_matrix_element_set_f (ME_MATRIX *A, const MEML_INT x, const MEML_INT y, const MEML_FLOAT value)
- 'quick and dirty' . Just a wapper over the normal version
- Global meml_matrix_erase (ME_MATRIX *M, const MEML_FLOAT border)
- 'quick and dirty' . Not optimized for the different matrix types.
- Global meml_matrix_equal (const ME_MATRIX *A, const ME_MATRIX *B)
- 'quick and dirty' . Not optimized for the different matrix types.
- Global meml_matrix_norm_1 (const ME_MATRIX *M)
- 'quick and dirty' . Not optimized a sparse matrix types.
- Global meml_matrix_norm_frobenius (const ME_MATRIX *M)
- 'quick and dirty' . Not optimized for the different matrix types.
- Global meml_matrix_norm_inf (const ME_MATRIX *M)
- 'quick and dirty' . Not optimized a sparse matrix types.
- Global meml_matrix_scaling_f (const MEML_FLOAT alpha, ME_MATRIX *M)
- Not optimized for the LS matrix
- Global meml_matrix_trans_f (ME_MATRIX **M)
- Not optimized for LS-matrix types.
- Global meml_matrix_vector_mul_ff (const ME_MATRIX *M, VECTOR *y)
- ueberpruefen ob die warnung noch gilt...
- Global meml_matrix_property_get (const ME_MATRIX *A, MEML_INT *row, MEML_INT *col, M_TYPE *type)
- Reihenfolge col und row vertauschen. Damit aber die Funktion in allen Aufrufen aendern...
Generated on Tue Mar 28 14:10:38 2006 by